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You may never know how far a project or dream will take you. However, the story of Every Clue Counts has certainly gone farther than we could possibly imagine. It is with great pride that we announce that the Every Clue Counts project has been mentioned in Wilmington University's magazine! Click photograph to see the online article.

Our Stories



Who has been Involved?

Club Founder

Bryan Andress

Bryan Andress - Website Admin
Contact me at:
She Also Counted

She Also Counted

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Who started the club? Why is it unique?

Check out the "Why Every Clue Counts" page for more details.

Where can I purchase a copy?

There are three versions of Every Clue Counts available for purchase. Click Where to Buy to find out where you can purchase Every Clue Counts! Every book purchased provides a royalty to the PTA at Downes Elementary. This money will allow the PTA to fund all sorts of school activities and improvements.


How can I get involved?

Check out our I Count Initiative page to see how YOU can be involved in spreading a positive message of how everyone counts in your neighborhood, school, and community. You might also get a chance to be a part of our website.

Is there more to the story?

Check out the new blog designed by Sherlock Holmes called the The Sherlock Strand. Updates of the blog vary depending on the boredom of Sherlock Holmes. Leave a comment and you might just hear back from Sherlock Holmes!


Social Media?

Feel free to check out our Facebook Page, Twitter Feed, and YouTube Channel and spread the word about Every Clue Counts!




Writing From The Heart: Supporting Autism Awareness Through Writing

While working with the students who wrote Every Clue Counts I started to see our writers not just write from their brain, but write from their heart. This blog post led me to write from my heart. I really try to make an effort to educate others about Autism. What makes Autism so unique is that EVERY child/person is different and very special. It is my goal to use this story character (Euros Holmes) as a shining example of how students with Autism can impact their world for the better. How sometimes what challenges them the most often becomes what empowers them to succeed. I hope to take my personal experiences and interactions with students with autism to help others understand and educate themselves more. Students with Autism might find difficulty understanding why others act the way they do, or what others might be trying to say, but these students still matter. They still count and sometimes I feel they are given a special ability to see the world in such a unique way. Every Clue Counts and certainly any student with Autism needs to know that they count to their world. Enjoy this conclusion to (The Case of Meg's Blue Thumb) as it introduces you to one of the many story avenues being considered for a blog series at the Sherlock Strand called The Baker Street Regulars: The Secret Agents of Sherlock Holmes. I hope this will inspire you to learn more about Autism and to encourage others to learn more as well.

AU Awareness Information
Click Here
Autism Awareness
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